Home ABOUT ETHANOL FIREPLACES Bio fireplace – my own example

Bio fireplace – my own example


A lot of designers who were fascinated by bio fires, decide to place them in their own houses. Thanks to that they can be more objective in representing the advantages of these devices. For example, the flat in the east suburbias of Sydney, owned by the Australian designer Pia Francesca Ruggeri.

From the very beginning, designer wants to have the traditional fire at home. Unfortunately because of the lack of chimney-ventilation system at home, the installation of traditional burner was impossible.

The burner EcoSmart Fire XL900 by EcoSmart Fire was used. It was mounted in the living room, in a very modern housing all over the wall. Burner is placed in stone top. From the front it is absolutely open and from the behind it is protected by glass, which protects the back plane.

To keep the unity of constuction, designer has planned a false chimney, which matches perfectly to the whole housing and fills out the empty space above the bio fire. The representatives of manufacturer “The Fire Company” help designer to choose the appropriate sizes of a chimney. As happy owner said, thanks to bio fires, she feels in her flat more like in the house. Dancing flames warm up the living space even more than she has expected. And the installation is very easy.