Home ETHANOL FIREPLACES - MANUFACTURER AKOSTONE Bio fire in luxury apartments on the antypodes

Bio fire in luxury apartments on the antypodes


We can see bio fires in a lot of fantastic and beautiful places in the world. One of such places is “Southern Ocean Lodge”. It is a complex of luxury houses intented for lease, located on the Kangaroo Island, near the south-west shore of Australia. 

The property is running by James Baillie, who has more than 20-years experiance in the industry of luxury real estates. In 2004, together with his wife he had opened “Hayley Capella Logde”, the complex located on Lord Howe Island, which is on the national heritage list. The “Southern Ocean Lodge” was the next appreciated and awarded complex, which has already had a lot of supporters and regular clients.

Kangaroo Island, untouched by the civilisation, is a wonderful and magic place and “Southern Ocean Lodge” is blending in with the nature as a combination of luxury and ecology. Thanks to dynamic management of complex and the latest technologies, the arriving guests get the incredible expierences and comfort.

Models of bio fires by EcoSmart Fire were used in a complex. James Baillie, the owner, explains what has inspired him to use these devices in the project of interiors:

There are many reasons why I have chosen bioethanol fires by EcoSmart Fire. Firstly, because of the esthetics, productivity, easy service, odor-free and greenness. The chimney-ventilation system is not required – it’s also very important. However, the crucial factor and the biggest advantage is the ability to integrate in the modern construction of a building and its amenities. The design of our interiors is a combination of an ecology and luxury made by the australian project and EcoSmart Fire bio fires match here perfectly.

Bio-ethanol-fires-591 photo: ECOSMART FIRE

According to his idea, there were used built-in burners Model 650SS, installed in the wall and the standard ones installed in the middle of granitic tops of coffee tables, specially made for these interiors.

Bio fires are fantastic places, where guests of a complex can meet and talk. The owners are very surprised how much warmth, not only the physical one, the devices can give. A lot of guests fell in love with them and after coming back home bought their own, dreamed-of burners.

Generally, 14 EcoSmart Fire bio fires were installed in “Capella Lodge” and “Southern Ocean Lodge”, what emphasises the ecological balance of all complex.

Bio-ethanol-fires-592 photo: ECOSMART FIRE