Home ETHANOL FIREPLACES - MANUFACTURER AKOSTONE Bio fireplace – decoration for dynamic interior

Bio fireplace – decoration for dynamic interior


Modern interior, with contrastive colours and minimalistic shapes needs carefully matched furnishing. Too many things with typical shapes and colours can result in glut and impacts negative on the whole arrangement. In such interior, we have to think about one, but very expressive element, that creates an appropriate atmosphere.

Bio fireplace Arrow by Altro Fuoco will be surely a good example of such unique piece of furniture. This model is characterized by the triangular shape looking like sharp arrow. The combination of this specific shape and redness of body creates the dynamic character of interior. This bio fire will surely match to young, vigorous person’s flat.

Model was designed by Andrea Pietroni. It is made of stainless steel. It can be placed as free-standing or hanged on the wall, using special handles. The burner tank is isolated from the back side, so it does not heat.

Technical data:

External dimensions: 110 x 23 x 96 cm

Bioethanol fuel tank volume: 1,8 l

Effective burning time: 3,5 h

Heat output: 4,5 kW