Bio fireplaces are the way to warm up the interior, which becomes more and more popular. They differ from the traditional burners by handy and environmentally-friendly exploitation. In order to take full delight in live fire, you should choose the appropriate type of fuel. It’s very important which product we are going to use – not only for our health and safety, but also for the sharpness and colour of flame.
When choosing fuel for the bio fireplace, you should pay attention to a few important issues. Heating liquid should burn completely, should have high caloric value and output, and what is most important – it should have certificates of research institutions and those controlling the quality.
Bionlov Premium is the biological heating liquid, produced on the basis of the highest quality ethyl alcohol. Steam and carbon dioxide, the combustion products, are generated in safe quantities, that are similar to those exhaled by people. Bionlov Premium biofuel is purified by means of modern molecular devices, available in the best European labs.
Bionlov Premium liquid is used for combustion in the bio fireplaces and other devices with open fire. It burns completely, does not give any smell or smoke. It is received from the distillation of vegetal resources, so it’s environmentally friendly. The package has the marking for blind people and a special cap, protecting against accidental opening. Bionlov Premium biofuel was composed through the cooperation of the biggest companies, specializing in manufacturing and distributing brand bio fireplaces, it also has the certificate of National Institute of Public Health in Poland. (Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego PZH).
Nowadays, Bionlov Premium is the leader of quality and safety, it is used in apartments, houses, hotels and SPAs in all Europe and in many exotic places, such as Dubai or Maldives. Bionlov Premium is recommended by many manufacturers and big retail chains, like Leroy Merlin, where it has received the marking “Eco friendly”. Our publisher shares this recommendation as well.