Home ETHANOL FIREPLACES - MANUFACTURER AKOSTONE Teka bio fireplace – universal and unique

Teka bio fireplace – universal and unique


When designing our interiors, we try to fill them with unique and unrepeatable style. Teka bio fireplace, designed by Mario Ferranini, with unusual charm combines unique character and wide range of arrangement possibilities.

Unobtrusive, geometrical shape makes it almost a universal item of every type of interior. The housing made of enamel stainless steel, closed in a glass cover makes the bio fire match every style – minimalistic or avant-garde. Moreover, it fills the room with unusual character.

Embedded in the wall, Teka revives the unused wall space and at the same moment does not occupy a lot of living area. It will successfully substitute paintings hanging on the wall. Teka is available in two sizes, so it matches both small and spacious interiors. It could be placed vertically or horizontally and thereby creates unlimited compositions. This device is not only the source of pleasant warmth, but it can be used as additional shelf for books and knick-knacks.

Moreover, Teka is perfect a decoration for the bathroom. A burner made of stainless steel and fire resistant glass cover ensure maximum safety. Thus, we can enjoy the sensual dance of flames during every bath.