Home ABOUT ETHANOL FIREPLACES Is the chimney needed to have a bio ethanol fireplace?

Is the chimney needed to have a bio ethanol fireplace?


The process of fuel combustion in the bio ethanol fireplace is complete safe. Thanks to the formula used in the ethanol-based biofuel, during combustion there is no smoke, hazardous substances or unpleasant odours. The products of combustion are water vapour and small amounts of carbon dioxide. Chimney is completely unnecessary. CO2 is emitted in the amount similar to that exhaled by humans. Traditional ventilation system is enough to exhaust the small amount of carbon dioxide. Of course the rooms completely airtight (without ventilation) are excluded. Over time, the amount of CO2 may achieve an undesirable level. Maintaining the normal oxygen circulation carbon monoxide poisoning is not possible. Because the chimneys are not required when ethanol fireplaces are installed, no servicing or chimney permit is required.