Home ETHANOL FIREPLACES - MANUFACTURER AKOSTONE Bio fireplace – decorating the table

Bio fireplace – decorating the table


The simplicity of form and beautifully decorated ceramics used to make an Avani Blossom ethanol fireplace by Brasa Fire a very interesting and subtle decorative element.

Due to the small size and portability, this ethanol fireplace can be placed anywhere in the interior. It will certainly look beautiful among the tableware set on the table. It proves to be perfect as a Christmas decoration or an element creating an atmosphere during a romantic dinner for two. As it is made of high quality stainless steel and ceramics resistant to high temperatures it can be successfully used as a temporary insert in the traditional fireplace’s housing. It proves to be perfect both in the modern interior as well as in the traditional and rustic one.

It has the following dimensions: 35.5 m x 14.5 cm x 9 cm. It is characterized by the heat output of 2.61 kW and is equipped with a fuel input with the volume of 1.45 liters. The price given by the manufacturer is $ 425. Apart from a charming version with colourful decorations the product is also available entirely in white, black and chrome.


bio-ethanol-fires_30photo BRASA FIRE