Home ETHANOL FIREPLACES - MANUFACTURER AKOSTONE Bio fireplace – perfection in redoubled form

Bio fireplace – perfection in redoubled form


Bio fireplace in a shape of two circles refers to the perfection and infinity. Inspired by a harmonious block, it creates pleasant and unique atmosphere in the interior. Against deep black background, enclosed flame becomes more expressive and hypnotizing.

Glamm Fire is the leader on the Portuguese market of heating accessories and interior decorations. It is distinguished by a passion for innovative projects and respecting the principles of ecology. The team of the best designers makes the best quality products matching their clients requirements.

Duo bio fireplace by GlammFire has the unique design and looks good everywhere – at home, in the garden, restaurant and hotel lobby. It is made of black, polished granite with noble steel and tempered glass. It has built-in cooler, where we can put a bottle of champagne or wine, and for the safety of small children and animals, the fire is separated by a protective glass. The device is characterized by high quality performance, aesthetics, functionality and modern design. It could a be perfect addendum to a traditional heating system, especially between the seasons. Steam, which is the combustion product, prevents air drying, and the level of carbon dioxide could be compared to the amount in the air exhaled by a human.

Duo by GlammFire is a magical, inspiring bio fireplace, full of symbols. It is created for those looking for beauty and harmony.