Home ABOUT ETHANOL FIREPLACES Necessary modern accessories

Necessary modern accessories


Modern interiors and modern bioethanol fireplaces are mostly simple, minimalist forms with uniform colours. Such arrangements usually require interesting, original accents that enliven the entire interior or will attract the attention of the visitors. The best and most effective way of decorating and revitalizing our modern bio fire are ceramic stone.Marvellous stone shapes, carefully selected colours and high quality are the hallmarks of an exclusive Akostone brand designed by Juliushi. These stones are made of high-quality, fireproof ceramic material, resulting from the mass of a unique composition, which guarantees uniqueness and durability of products. The stones of this brand are available in three colours: white, black and old gold. All of them are finished in a very glossy enamel that reflects the flames blazing in the burner and the entire structure looks stunningly.

It is a very charming complement that will add even more prestige, exclusivity and style to our bioethanol fireplace. This decoration will look beautifully especially in bio fires with the open burner, where the sight of the flames dancing around the stones and sparkling in brilliant enamel of the fire colours will give us a lot of pleasure.

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