Home ETHANOL FIREPLACES - MANUFACTURER AKOSTONE Bio fireplace – simple and modern inspiration

Bio fireplace – simple and modern inspiration


Designers of bio fires are looking for the ideas everywhere. Very often, the ideas come from very common and every-day objects. Such interesting design project is bio ethanol fire being the modification of coffee table – Matchbox by German company Schulte Design.

Coffee table was designed by Franz J. Schulte. Standard version is equipped with androit hiding place for different stuffs. The idea was broadened by placing burner inside, which adds charm to pleasant evenings spending with family. The bioethanol fuel tank volume allows to 4 hours of effective burning time. This modern piece of furniture does not occupy much space. The construction becomes smaller after closing. The way of opening connotes matchbox. Two pull-out shelves are the top of a coffee table. This bio fire is perfect for small rooms, where every free space is important.

Matchbox adds an elegance and natural character to the interior, as the finishing is made of solid nut tree.

Technical data:

Dimensions: product is available in few versions 90 x 60 cm, 100 x 60 or 110 x 70 cm.

Height: 30 cm