Home ETHANOL FIREPLACES - MANUFACTURER AKOSTONE Bio fireplace – the most precious jewel in our house

Bio fireplace – the most precious jewel in our house


A diamond with its perfectly regular shapes will always be admired and will draw attention. Is associated with wealth, luxury and unique flair. Therefore, the Dutch designer – Hugo de Ruiter has designed for Safretti a wonderful Diamond ethanol fireplace, which refers to this precious jewel.

The design of this ethanol fireplace will certainly be a very original and valuable addition to any interior. The shape is reminiscent not only of a ready-cut jewel, but also brings to mind the association of a precise stone treatment process that requires extraordinary skills, artistry and delicacy of a diamond grinder. The result of this work is the finest and most expensive stone of the World.


The structure of the ethanol fireplace consists of a powder-coated stainless steel. 0.25 liter burner allows for continuous burning for 2 – 4 hours without refuelling.

Technical data:

Dimensions: 31 cm x 18.5 cm x 25 cm

Weight: 7 kg
