Home ETHANOL FIREPLACES - MANUFACTURER AKOSTONE Bio fireplace – the inspiration for garden designers

Bio fireplace – the inspiration for garden designers


Bio fires can be placed both inside and outside our gardens. The outside ecological fires are an interesting inspiration for the garden designers. The devices with simple, raw construction and finishing with natural stones in brown, beige and ground tones bland in the environment. Thereby bio fires become the integral part of nature. Moreover, the flash of live fire shows off the visual assets.

There are a lot of fanciful shapes of outside bio fires. They look like traditional burners, bowls, cylindrical balls or aflame stones. The choice of appropriate ecological fire depends on the style of a garden. Rustic fire fits romantic, english garden. In combination with roses rambling over pergolas, or an arbour it creates the rural landscape.

The quiet, geometric bio fire decorates the baroque garden and looks perfect with the plants and hedges. Bio fires in the shape of stone bowls emphasis the harmony, simplicity and elegance of the Japanese garden. Bio fires with minimalistic construction decorates the modern gardens.

No matter what bio fire we choose for the garden, we have to remember that it must be resistant to sunlight, rain and strong wind. Outside bio fires are an interesting decoration of surroundings, they add charm to the evening meetings and chats in a garden. Giving light and warmth, they extend the time spent in the fresh air.


photo: PLANIKA