Home ETHANOL FIREPLACES - MANUFACTURER AKOSTONE Bioethanol fireplace – perfect addendum for modern lifestyle

Bioethanol fireplace – perfect addendum for modern lifestyle


Bio fire Fusion, as its name rightly suggests, is fusion of style and functionality, is combination of charm of knick-knack, decoration value of detail and utilitarian character, pragmatic purpose of device.

Streamlined shape, clear lines style. Fusion it’s a model created in the spirit of elegance, innovation. It’s perfect to emphasise the most modern surroundings. Minimalistic chic and maximal practicality. The bio fire has double, bi-side access to burner, giving an effect called: “see through”, which creates nicety and sense of open space. Fusion it’s more than basic and predictable form closed in rectangular shape. Most of all, it is luxury, free-standing piece of furniture designed to approve and spread EcoSmart Burner.

Photo: EcoSmartFire

Fusion is equipped with back panel made of hardened glass and “Wind Screen Static” (special glass panel, popular among many models), placed in front side of burner.

Photo: EcoSmartFire

According to the idea of designer Marc Philipp Veenendaal, Fusion is perfect addendum for modern lifestyle in flats, houses, but also in the commercial spaces – bars, restaurants, hotels. Colour variety of this model – from classic black, red and white, to different unsual colours – simplifies the dreamed-of interior arrangement.

Photo: EcoSmartFire

The fire is mobile piece of art, powered with bioethanol – environmentally friendly renewable source of energy.

Photo: EcoSmartFire

Photo: EcoSmartFire

Photo: EcoSmartFire