Home ETHANOL FIREPLACES - MANUFACTURER AKOSTONE Bio fireplace – forever young, colourful and sunny

Bio fireplace – forever young, colourful and sunny


Designers of bio fires are looking for the inspirations in all possible areas of life. Thanks to that we have a lot of various bio fires on the market – classic, traditional and modern. They may be dedicated to both old and young people, which tastes are very different. For example, the amazing modern series BB by Italian company Antrax.

Andrea Crosetta is the designer of these bio fires. She gives the construction a wonderful shape of a bubble with the interesting cut holes through which we can see the fire. The combination of form and one colour creates sweet, childish atmosphere. Design is perfect for the modern interiors. Series BB has three versions:

– with round hole

-with clover-shaped hole;

-with oval-shaped hole

Each of these models can be selected in one of the 200 available colours. This rich colour scheme is possible thanks to the paint systems and colours used by company Antrax.

People with non-standard world view, artists, positive and forever young persons will surely like this model.

Technical data:

Dimensions: 80 cm x 38 cm x 80 cm

Weight: 32 kg

Heat output: 4100 W

photo: ANTRAX