Home ETHANOL FIREPLACES - MANUFACTURER AKOSTONE Bio fireplace – man’s point of view

Bio fireplace – man’s point of view


Probably everyone, not only women, but also men like to be surrounded by beautiful things. However, the practical and solid performance of a product is very often more important for mens. Especially looking at the arrangement of interior for Ladies, Men, Children or common rooms, we can see the difference. In men’s interiors there are a lot of simple shapes and natural colours, unlike to the women’s interiors, which look like the princess palace with decorated laces, fringes and rich colours. The finishing and objects inspired by sport, technique, technology and industry will perfectly match to the man’s interior.

One of the amazing decoration for the man’s apartment, but not only, can be bio fire “Framed CORPUS No.1” by company Eisenfrank. It will look perfect even as the only one decoration in modern, minimalistic apartments. Thanks to the combination of the round bio fire with industrial-formed frame, the whole construction looks like bringing out the production line. The construction seems to be the equipment of a factory. It is a perfect idea for decorating the loft. The whole construction is made of hot-rolled steel. That surface might be matched to the investor’s wishes. It is usually the natural steel surface with grey and light-blue tones, but it also may have rusty tone. For safety, plate round the burner is protected by felt isolation.

Technical data:

Dimensions: 130 cm x 110 cm x 60 cm

Weight: 170 kg

Bioethanol fuel tank volume: 2,5 l

Effective burning time: min. 5 h