Home ETHANOL FIREPLACES - MANUFACTURER AKOSTONE Dapedra bio fireplaces – beauty for the demanding

Dapedra bio fireplaces – beauty for the demanding


Choosing decorations for the house, we want them to be unique, beautiful and high quality. By adding functionality, we could say without doubt about a perfect element. These criteria can be applied also to bio fireplaces, that’s why, bio fireplaces by Dapedra were created for the demanding hot heads of perfectly arranged interiors.


Trenzada model is a bio fireplace with an open burner enclosed only by a light housing. Its shape looks like openwork, braided threads. Such unusual binding makes the cast shadow wonderfully dance on the wall of the room. This unique solution will be wonderful diversion of a living room or a bedroom and also every restaurant and romantic cafe. Trenzada does not only have a unique design, but also high quality. Burner of 120 cm long is made of bronze, resistant to high temperature. The colour of the burner perfectly matches the cream-colored enclosure made of tough limestone. The whole construction is placed on the base made of horse-chestnut wood.



In Spanish, Fragua means a forge, however this model isn’t raw and heavy. Fragua bio fireplace is simple, and has nothing to do with boring and obvious design. Open brown burner 27 cm long is built in the circular housing made of durable granite. The whole construction looks modern and unique, that’s why it will be perfect a decoration for simple and modest rooms, where only one expressive accompaniament is need. Like Fragua bio fireplace.



Fosil bio fireplace is dedicated to the users who want to have the amazing atmosphere combined with attractive housing in their homes. 60 cm burner enclosed in a housing made of polished limestone looks like antique fossil. That’s this bio fireplace has such name – also from Spanish. The housing was created in a way allowing to watch the game of dancing flames. This unique shape is a decoration in itself, it beautifies even the simplest and the most minimalistic interiors.



Crater is an unusually simple and raw model, which will perfectly match male, industrial and minimalistic interiors. Polished open housing made of black marble allows to enjoy the warmth and atmosphere created by the flames. This strong emphasis draws attention and adds the taste to the room. 40 cm Burner could be decorated by stone-shaped ceramic logs, which will emphasize unique and strong character of this model.
