Home ETHANOL FIREPLACES - MANUFACTURER AKOSTONE Bio fireplace – last tango in Paris

Bio fireplace – last tango in Paris


Inspired by city skyscraper, Tango has rhythm and passion. Model is designed to emphasise the power of fire in divine dance, and all this in pleasant, life-giving surrounding..

That’s how manufacturers describe bio fire Tango.

Portuguese company Glammfire creates bio fire, that joins chic and elegance of large-city life. Decorative patterns, applied on the front surface of housing, can recall romantic places in the center of Paris and dangerous, industrial suburbia. A little bit raw, but simple stilistics of this bio fire is characterized by atemporality. Bioethanol fire will match perfectly to both modern and classic interiors. Enthusiasts of beating and running rhythm of big city life will surely like Tango.

City inspirations are noticeable because of chosen materials. Tango amazes by different raw materials: scratched and enamelled steel, shiny ophidian leather in intensive elegant colours – classic black, red and white colours, for contrast – printed letters in pop art style, and – the bravest proposition – rusty and intentionally slightly damaged steel with characteristic ginger-copper colour. All of these individual realisations are connected by joint, nice, elegant and graceful form relating to high city buildings.

Bio fire Glammfire is an obeisance to pop culture and large-city life full of everyday street noise.

 Photo: GlammFire

Photo: GlammFire

Photo: GlammFire

 Photo: GlammFire

Photo: GlammFire

Photo: GlammFire