Home ETHANOL FIREPLACES - MANUFACTURER AKOSTONE Hiedra bio fireplace – daring stylisation

Hiedra bio fireplace – daring stylisation


Functionality and daring design – these are only some of features of new model by brand Bronpi – famous all over the world manufacturer of bioethanol fireplaces and accessories.

Hiedra bio fireplace is not only additional source of warmth at our place, but also tasteful decoration in modern style, adored by lovers of unconventional arrangement solutions. The inspiration for creating this bio fireplace was a model of street lamp, because this model looks like one of them. Bioethanol fireplace has geometric shape, a burner is placed in lengthened and triangular frame, surrounded by glass at three sides. The whole construction is located on small, stable stand. Bio fireplace Hiedra was designed according to newest interior trend, it is available in three colors – red, white and black. The device isn’t big, it could be placed even in small rooms. Even though it weighs 36 kg, due to its shape, it could be moved to any place.


Bioethanol fireplace is not only design, ecological gadget, but also perfect alternative for people, who can’t install a traditional wood-fired fireplace. Bio fireplace does not produce any smoke, so it eliminates problem with cleaning, that is necessary when we have traditional fireplace. Placed in living-room, it will be great for long, winter evenings, allow relax and calm.
