Home ETHANOL FIREPLACES - MANUFACTURER AKOSTONE Seasons bio fireplace – multifunctional design

Seasons bio fireplace – multifunctional design


Unique piece of furniture which looks differently during each season, is an amazing proposition of French designer Jean-Marie Massaud. Her collection of Season little glass tables is for people who appreciate quality and innovative solutions.

Little glass tables are the main element in Seasons collections. The central part is a secret. Due to a special hole, we could change the insert up to ours preferences. During the cold days, the table could be a bio fireplace powered by bioethanol and could fill the interior with cosy, relaxing aura. During hot and sunny days – Seasons table could become a beautiful flowerpot, perfect for our favourite plants. Other time it could become a lovely aquarium.

The little table is made of transparent walls – therefore it becomes an elegant decoration and unique piece of furniture. A surface with neutral colours changes depending on the surrounding objects, textures, colours. With every time of the day, a little table dons another shadow. It will perfectly match minimalistic and industrial interiors.


Compact, cubic shape does not interfere with already existing arrangement, it just emphasises the advantages.

Seasons little table with bio fireplace is a multifunctional piece of furniture. It is manufactured by a reputable Italian company Glas Italia.