Home ETHANOL FIREPLACES - MANUFACTURER AKOSTONE Bio fireplace – rondo with a rustic style

Bio fireplace – rondo with a rustic style


Rustic style is a style referring to the rural elements. The designers of bio fireplaces use this type of inspiration as well.

Rondo Redwitz is bioethanol fireplace designed by Frank Berauer, as other projects in the Redwitz offer, is distinguished by unique, specific and unforgettable style. The model is characterized by rustic appearance, a hint of classics and elegance at the same time. Like other items made in a rustic style, is deliberately antiqued. The aim of the designer was to use such techniques that the final product looked like an ancient family heirloom. It proves to be perfect in a rustic and ascetic interior as well as a modern one with a minimalist decor. Its form and colour is simple on the one hand and so varied on the other, that the ethanol fireplace can be a major decorative element.


The model is partially made of oxidized steel and stainless steel. It weighs approx. 50 kg, its diameter is 80 cm and thickness 21 cm. Its price oscillates around € 2100.


bio-ethanol-fires_1d47dd3photo REDWITZ / Frank Berauer