Home ETHANOL FIREPLACES - MANUFACTURER AKOSTONE Bio fireplace – beautiful and practical piece of furniture

Bio fireplace – beautiful and practical piece of furniture


An interesting solution for a small interior will be a Tetris bioethanol fire, by an Italian company – Horus. The idea stems from a game popular around the world which inspired the idea of regular-shaped blocks, which are stacked one on another creating interesting constructions with diverse levels.

The model is available in two colours: black and red. The structure is made of stainless steel and glass protecting against flames flashing from the burner. This bio fire consists of a main block with a burner and two independent components, which can be set freely around the burner. These two independent components can be used in the interior as a base for other equipment. They may perform the function of a bookshelf, magazine rack, liquor cabinet, or a coffee table set by a sofa or an armchair. It is a great advantage of the bio fire, because in addition to a decorative function, it can be a very practical utility furniture. This is important especially in small spaces where it is not possible to put a large number of small, functional and necessary pieces of furniture.

bio-ethanol-fires_47photo HORUS