Home ETHANOL FIREPLACES - MANUFACTURER AKOSTONE Bio fireplace – a brilliant expression of ecology

Bio fireplace – a brilliant expression of ecology


Despite its simple, very limited shapes, Broceliande bio fireplace by Brisach surprises and draws attention. Seemingly, trivial combination of white and wooden elements in the case of this bio fireplace looks exceptionally fresh and ecological.

This model fits in perfectly with modern as well as classic interior. Nevertheless, it will complement most the interiors decorated in natural colours and materials. Certainly it will appeal to all ecology lovers. It is best to locate it in a central place where we may enjoy the fire from both sides. The bio fireplace was designed by a young designer at the cooperation of Brisach with Strate College – a famous school of utility designing.

The structure is made of steel, combined with oak elements. Burner itself is obviously made of stainless steel. Dimensions of the bio fireplace: length 116 cm x width 45 cm x height 86 cm.

photo: BRISACH