Home ETHANOL FIREPLACES - MANUFACTURER AKOSTONE Bio fireplace – interior full of melody

Bio fireplace – interior full of melody


The tendency to simplicity and minimalism in the interiors is up-to-date and it will become more and more popular. Series with the amazing name “Fire song” (Il Canto del Fuoco) will be surely a wonderful inspiration for the modern people, who appreciate the purity of form. Antonio Lupi is the author of this series. He has been cooperating with Domenico de Palo and Massimo Pistolesi and creates bio fire – simple, but fascinating piece of art.

Design is well-planned, so the model can be hanged on the wall, placed as free-standing construction or built-in, because the housing may be painted without any problems, finished by stones, tiles or other non-flammable material. The part of housing, curved inside, is patented by designer and available in three different width: 45, 72 and 225 cm as built-in element and in three different width: 63, 108 and 270 cm as free-standing construction. The depth of construction is 42 cm.

It is an amazing device for the designers looking for the appropriate ideas for the bio fireplace, which have to be almost invisible on the wall, but at the same time with the individual character. “Il canto del Fuoco”, built-in and painted in the same colour than a wall, enraptures by the curved part looks like a sail, curved by the wind. Burner with the volume of 2 liters has fire height regulation. Effective burning time is up to 5 hours.

It is wonderful idea, which allows to the endless game with the arrangement, ensures marvelous and warm atmosphere and brings in elegance, chic and modernity.