Home ETHANOL FIREPLACES - MANUFACTURER AKOSTONE Bio fireplace – good Italian taste in modern interior

Bio fireplace – good Italian taste in modern interior


Everybody knows, that Italian design is usually the best. It also concerns bio fires. A lot of interesting models are made by Italian designers. These projects are very simple and practical, wrapped in esthetic and elegance visual side. For example, free-standing bioethanol fire Essential by Italian company Brandoni. It can be an amazing decoration for modern interior.

The shape of body is the most distinctive element of this bio fire. Despite white colour, it intrigues with softly curved lines and round holes irregularly placed in front of housing. The whole housing is made of enamel steel. The top side of bioethanol fire is crowned by burner made of stainless steel, isolated by hardened glass pane 6 mm thick, which protect from open fire. The design is very esthetic and will perfectly match to the minimalistic interior. Model is available in a few light pastel colours, but any colour RAL can be customised.

Technical data:

Bioethanol fuel tank volume: 1,3 l

Heat output: 2 kW

Weight: 27.5 kg

Consumption: 1 l/2,5 h (depending how much burner is opened)

Dimensions of housing: height 350 mm, length 800 mm, width 450 mm