Home ETHANOL FIREPLACES - MANUFACTURER AKOSTONE Romantic dinner at bio fireplace

Romantic dinner at bio fireplace


Aromatic food, good music, wine and candles. This is a recipe for a romantic evening with your loved one. But is it only candles that can create a unique atmosphere? Maybe it might be worthwhile to go beyond the conventions and arrange a romantic evening at the ethanol fireplace? Why?

Ethanol fireplaces, on a par with candles, give a decorative and yet romantic touch. Importantly, there are available in many sizes and can be successfully used as a table decoration. First of all, ecological fireplaces are very safe unlike the candles. Modern technology and the highest quality of materials of which they are made was confirmed in many tests and international certification ensures their safety. Equipped with a self extinguishing option they do not present any fire hazard. If the device turns over the fire turns off automatically. Glass shield, used in this type of ecological fireplaces does not heat up and in case of accidental contact does not cause burns. Ethanol fireplaces are ecological because they do not produce smoke, carbon monoxide or other gases.

Unfortunately, with candles we have no such certainty. Sometimes just a moment of inattention may cause a fire hazard. Especially when flammable materials are nearby. Wax spilled on the furniture is another problem, which is not easy to deal with. Unfortunately, in this case, even the most romantic dinner can turn into a ghastly nightmare. So why not go with the times and replace the candles with the ethanol fireplace, which will make a romantic evening for two enjoyable.