Home ETHANOL FIREPLACES - MANUFACTURER AKOSTONE Bio fireplace – in the spotlight

Bio fireplace – in the spotlight


A Cincinnati bio ethanol fireplace by Bushbeck is one of the most popular and most recognised models of mobile products. The open, glazed bio ethanol fireplace structure allows us to enjoy the beauty of sparkling fire and a nice warm feeling coming from the burner. In large rooms it can serve as an element dividing the space into smaller parts or to be a central part concentrating life around the burner.  Our guests will be captivated by the spell of the bio ethanol fireplace, thanks to hypnotizing flames dancing over an interestingly designed base. The model was designed by Michael Grebe and is equipped with safe, certified ESG glass, which is resistant to high temperatures. Burner with a volume of 1.5 liter is made of high quality polished steel, whereas the housing is made of powder-coated satin steel. Burning time is approx. 4 h. We can afford this fireplace for approx. PLN 2700.

Bio-ethanol-fires-317photo: BUSHBECK,  lagunawaterworks.com