Home ETHANOL FIREPLACES - MANUFACTURER AKOSTONE Bio fireplace – in a secret garden

Bio fireplace – in a secret garden

© Joel Barbitta D-Max Photography joel@dmaxphotography.com.au

The most pleasant place to spend warm spring and summer evenings is our private oasis of peace – a garden. It doesn’t matter if we prefer to laze around in a hammock, have a romantic evening by twos or barbecue with friends. The point is that we like it when the fire is sparkling somewhere in background.

When talking about hearth in the fresh air, me mainly think about the campfire.  Unfortunately, this idea is hard to materialize – very often because of logistic and legal issues. BK series Bio fireplaces by EcoSmart Fire were made to create specific and unique atmosphere of fire. Devices can be used both indoors and outdoors, for example in a garden.

Modern, simple forms of these bio fireplaces let us display our imagination and creativity. We can arrange it in traditional hearth, layed with stone, or rock top, depending on our preferences and the architecture of a garden. This way it becomes the central object of a garden. On the other hand, placed in special bowls filled with ceramic logs, it creates fantastic and unique atmosphere, like in the “Secret garden”. Due to minimalistic design of BK series by EcoSmart Fire matches every arrangement of garden spaces.

                                                                                           Photo: EcoSmart Fire 

We can enjoy this view during every season. In summer bio fireplaces create unique atmosphere not only during quiet evenings, but also during crazy parties arranged in a garden. In winter, while resting in the warm room, we can admire the game of flames, oozing the atmosphere of warmth during these cold months.

                                                                       Photo: EcoSmart Fire 

By using modern technology, BK series of bio fireplaces is economic and safe in use. Special feed for bioethanol fuel reduces the risk of overflowing and in effect – outpouring the substance outside. Easy remote control allows to regulate the size of the flames and the amount of warmth – we monitor the bioethanol fuel consumption in very simple way, we save energy. Innovative materials that BK series is made of ensure resistance to even the most extreme temperatures and weather.

                                                                              Photo: EcoSmart Fire