Home ETHANOL FIREPLACES - MANUFACTURER AKOSTONE Bio fireplace – among the industrial atmosphere

Bio fireplace – among the industrial atmosphere


It happens much more often that empty unused post-industrial spaces are being adapted for housing, so called lofts. Bio fire installation in such interior will be a very good idea, especially if bioethanol fireplace has an appropriate design.

Bio fire made of steel, which is the basic material for industrial facilities, best suits the industrial interior. A good proposal can be a Corpus No.4 Stand ethanol fireplace by Frank Berauer. The ethanol fireplace is characterized by a diverse, metal surface. This model is made of hot moulded steel which, despite the fact that is used in pure form, may have the colours starting from steel – blue to steel – gray. The surface may also be patinated in a rusty, copper colour. Recyclable materials are sometimes used for the production of this ethanol fireplace.

This model has the following features:

– size: height 120 cm, width 100 cm, depth 68 cm;

– weight: approximately 110 kg;

– fuel tank volume 2.5 liters;

– burning time: 5 h with an entirely open burner.



photo Frank Berauer