Home ETHANOL FIREPLACES - MANUFACTURER AKOSTONE Bio fireplace – little table, please heat up

Bio fireplace – little table, please heat up


Fire Coffe bio fireplace by Planika is a great choice for the lovers of eating outdoors. Amazing design designed by Arik Levy combines lightness of structure with a very important utility function of the table.

Bio fireplace is sure to be a central meeting place for the family, a veritable incarnation of burner, at which spending time with the loved ones will be a sheer pleasure.


This model consists of a stainless steel rosette, which is the base for a glass top serving as a functional coffee table. The whole gives the impression of a gentle, airy and elegant structure. The inside of the structure is teeming with life in the form of live fire limited only with a glass cylinder, through which we may observe the dancing flames from each side.

This model is suitable for both the outside and inside of the rooms. Steel structure is available in white or black.

Technical data:

Biofuel tank volume: 1 l

Effective burning time: approx. 3 h

Net weight: 42 kg


Bio-fireplaces_57photo: DECOFIRE.com.pl