Quadrangle, quaint, queer. Bio fire Q defines itself, lives its own life and by the way looks like falling out from ABC. This model by EcoSmart Fire is an embodiment of futuristic ideas. But it isn’t enough. Futurism is overstepped! It sounds like paradox, because futurism is inspired by modern future projects, but in this case it is step back, just behind proposition coming from… fantasy, or even science-fiction.
Bio fire Q opens completely new side in front of modern design. Both esthetic and functional. Globular shape, square burner inscribed in circle, rotating base enabling the most comfortable use of model – according to the user’s needs. Moreover, mobility, that allows to use Q both inside and outside.
In addition, design coming from spaceship. And everything because of used waterproof materials, such as fibreglass, stainless steel and hardened glass. The collection of materials perfectly matches to the inspiring shape. Natural properties, such as smooth and matt steel, streamlined surface or transparent minimalism of glass connote projections from literature or science-fiction films. Yes, projections. After all, EcoSmart Fire disposes of the projects.
All these elements, plus charm, chic and attractive elegance create the perfect definition of Q, means simply qu quality– royal quality.
Photo: EcoSmart Fire
Photo: EcoSmart Fire
Photo: EcoSmart Fire
Photo: EcoSmart Fire
Photo: EcoSmart Fire