Home ETHANOL FIREPLACES - MANUFACTURER AKOSTONE Bio fireplace Four Winter – not only for Christmas holidays

Bio fireplace Four Winter – not only for Christmas holidays


Christmas and the following carnival is special time, when interiors and small house gardens are glistering with brightness of Christmassy decorations and colourful lights. However, even the most sophisticated decoration does not give such energy and beauty as there are hidden in the real fire. Four Winter is an exclusive bio fireplace, designed to spread the magic already at the doorstep.

Designed as a cube with the cut out pattern of iced, small snowflake, bio fireplace is the perfect decoration for gardens, terraces and patios during winter and holiday time. It differs from a lantern by innovative technology of getting energy from eco-friendly bioethanol. The fuel, placed in a small tank, allows to enjoy the fire for a long time, without the emission of pollutions and unpleasant smells.

Wandering flames

Continuous brightness isn’t the only thing, due to the use of bioethanol, bio fireplace could be easily put at random location. Designed to please the eye all the time everywhere. Four Winter bio fireplace is light and small (25 x 25x 35cm) – which facilitates moving it wherever we want.

Welcoming light

Joyful, friendly light, leaning shyly out of the edge of the bio fireplace will make every guest feel festive holiday atmosphere and winter aura, just at the doorstep of the apartment. Placed on the snow, lanterns, flowerpot or surrounded by Christmas decorations, Four Winter will ennoble a garden or a patio.

Unique gift

Bio fireplace was made of high quality carbon steel, covered with epoxy paint, that protects from damage, no matter what kind of weather is outside. Available in two holiday colours – white and red, Four Winter is a perfect gift for family and friends.