Home ETHANOL FIREPLACES - MANUFACTURER AKOSTONE Bio fireplace – brighten up your evening

Bio fireplace – brighten up your evening


Bioethanol fireplaces are not only the models for the permanent exhibition and arrangement. There are many bio fires, which thanks to its portable nature can be set anywhere within the rooms or moved to the garden. Simply you can keep it always with you. Bioethanol fireplaces in the form of portable lantern can be included.

One of them is a Rome model by Lambretti. It is the largest lighthouse in the offered range of the company. Its dimensions are the following: width 507mm, length 507mm, height 800mm. Thanks to the lighthouse, we may take a bit of nature from the environment to the interior. The entire bioethanol fireplace is made of stainless steel, at the base lacquered black. The upper part is also available in black or stainless steel. The burner of the four sides is sealed with safe hardened glass panes. The model has a special patented system of bioethanol burning, which extends the effective burning time Price of the model without promotion is PLN 1699.