Home ETHANOL FIREPLACES - MANUFACTURER AKOSTONE Bio fireplace – in the rhythm of Twisty

Bio fireplace – in the rhythm of Twisty


An energetic dance called the twist was undoubtedly the symbol of the sixties. Bifid tact, dynamic turns of legs, hips and arms become the preview of the custom revolution. Twisty bio fire by RubyFires is a symbol of modern, Italian design in the world of bio fires. Its graceful and softly kinked form seems to refer to twist’s steps.


Bio-fireplace_11224Photo:  drydesign , rubyfires

Twisty is a result of cooperation with Paolo Gentile and Dry Design design studio. It reflects the quality, aesthetic and technological perfection of pure Italian style. It is the combination of industrial design and creative inspirations.

Owing to the light construction, this bio fireplace is a perfect idea for both small and big spaces. Simple shape with a little bit of sophistication in a cube form will fit mostly minimalistic interiors. Smooth polyethylene housing, available in a few universal colours, gives us a wide range of arrangement ideas and possibilities.







Photo: drydesign , rubyfires

Lower model, Twisty One, with one module fits small living rooms. The higher one, Twisty Twin, with two graceful modules is perfect for emphasising an elegant apartment. Both versions of Twisty bio fireplaces are mobile, so we can move it elsewhere anytime.

This model, like all RubyFires products, is equipped with safe biohearth with a ceramic insert, having TÜV certificate. Therefore, we do not need to be afraid of overflowing bioethanol, even when the bio fireplace overturns or tilts. Fuel combustion is constant, odour-free and uniform.