Home ETHANOL FIREPLACES - MANUFACTURER AKOSTONE Bio fireplace Travelmate – travelling fire

Bio fireplace Travelmate – travelling fire


Travelmate bio fireplace – designed by Vertijet studio – at first sight reminds us of far journeys and… coming back home. And this is how it is – thinking about it, we want to come back, and mobile construction perfectly shows the nature of the shape.

Voyages with fire

The technology of smokeless fire, that we can relocate wherever we want is surely the most important advantage of modern bio fireplaces. This asset is successfully used in mobile Travelmate model that can travel with the owner. Suitcase-type device with unusually light construction can be freely relocated and placed on a carpet, table or near the sofa. Indoors and outdoors, without any limits. Sitting on a terrace or patio we can enjoy the game of flames in the light of the moon. The shape itself brings us to enjoy its charm wherever we want. Left at any point, Travelmate is a perfect addendum for all modern interiors.

Minimalism in a nice-looking form

Travelmate bio fireplace is the quintessence of minimalism. The device in a shape of a rectangular suitcase and handle facilitating transport, decorates not only the Scandinavian style interior but also an elegant one. Classic housing made of stainless steel is enclosed by two ceramic glasses at the front and at the back, attached with special magnets. It allows for easy dismantling of glass panels in order to ignite the bio fireplace and then to mount them again. After placing transparent glass panes in the construction, bioethanol fuel tank can be opened and closed with a slide placed outside the front of housing. Moreover, that way we control the size of flame.

Travelmate is offered for the people who appreciate unique ideas and excellent workmanship. Bio fireplace is available in two sizes. The higher model could be placed on the carpet or on the floor in the middle of a room, the lower one – on the table. Two universal colour options – black and white – will match every modern interior.

Travelmate bio fireplace is reminiscent of journeys, so sit down, warm up and arrange the next one.